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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

About Us



Apostle Victor Adegbola is a man that sought after God from his youth. He is gifted with Prophetic Grace and Deep Apostolic Teaching. He studied Banking and Finance from Lagos State University in Nigeria. He is married to Mrs Adurgami Adegbola who supports him in his ministry. Their marriage is blessed with a prophetic son. He resides in Lagos with his family. His ultimate desire is to raise a generation of true worshippers who will fulfil God’s promises.

Click the 'Play' button to see our Welcome Video on Youtube

Who We Are
We are an Apostolic Ministry with deep prophetic insight into the agenda of God for the end time.
Our Vision
Apostolic Grace and Revival for Universal Liberation. Act 4:33, Titus 2:11. 1Tim 1:14.
What We Do
We raise up a Prophetic Army for Jesus Christ.


1. To Raise generation of true worshippers, that will worship God in truth and spirit.John 4:24.

2. To raise believers full of the holy spirit. Micah 3:8.

3. Battle hell to submission through Deep Apostolic Prayer and Prophetic Declaration. Job 22:28, Psalms 65:3.

4. Depopulate hell fire and populate Heaven. Heaven is the ultimate. Matthew 6:33.

5. Deep Apostolic Teaching. Holiness and righteousness as our watch word.